Monday, December 31, 2007


We don't look for things that can be seen but for things that can't be
seen. Things that can be seen are only temporary. But things that
can't be seen last forever. (2Co 4:18 GW)

Through my recent trial, God has been teaching me the importance of
prayer, challenged me to fast, and opening my eyes to the 'things that
can't be seen' i.e. the spiritual world.

It is my hope in the coming weeks to share with you the radical and
revolutionary concepts that I am just starting to learn and understand
that if placed at the forefront of our hearts and minds can and will
change the world around us.

It has been my understanding that the spiritual is the unseen and
prayer is trying to talk to the unseen God but that is a very naive
and narrow view. God is starting to open my eyes and heart to the
more radical view that the spiritual is all that is seen and all that
is real and all that matters.

What if the spiritual is all that is? The spiritual is "really the
only thing that is celebrated... in the arts, in biography and
history, and in most of our popular writings in magazines and the
like." ALL the popular writings-magazines, newspapers, etc focus
primarily on "what people think and feel, on what they might or should
do and why, and on what kind of character they have..." All the
immaterial, unseen and therefore spiritual things! The AMAZING reality
is that "the spiritual simply is our life, no matter what grand
theories we may hold or what we may say when trying to be
"intellectual," "well informed," and "up-to-date.""-Dallas Willard

How do you Fast?

There are many ways to fast. From my reading of God's Chosen Fast by
Arthur Wallis and my discussions with a friend of mine who has fasted
for several weeks at a time, I have learned a few key concepts on how
to fast:

There are 2 main types of fasts:
The normal fast: abstaining from all food, solid or liquid, but not from water.
The partial fast: emphasis on restriction of diet rather than complete

"Start with a partial fast, or else fast one day till supper. Next
time extend the fast till retiring, breaking it with just a light meal
or fruit only. When you can manage a one-day fast without feeling
faint or famished, you will be ready for any call of God to a longer
fast of 3, 5 or seven days."-Arthur Wallis

Here are a few notes on different types of fasts:
The simple fast: This is not eating but drinking only water from when
you get up in the morning to sundown i.e. eating only 1 meal in the
The long fast: This is again drinking only water...but lasting 2 or
more days...from what I have read and learned from others, the first
several days are tough but there is a period just after the first few
days that you gain a hightened awareness of your surroundings and of
God...this usually lasts between day #3 and day #7-10...then true
hunger sets in and can be difficult (like the first few days without
food isn't?)
The modified fasts: My friend who fasted for over 2 weeks ate nothing
and drank only juices and occasionally had soup broth....I also have
friends who have fasted from certain foods: deserts, caffeine, etc.
There are many different ways to fast.

Please also note: I wouldn't recommend fasting for people with certain
medical conditions such as diabetics etc. (check with your doctor)

Why Fast?

Fasting is considered one of the many spiritual disciplines. Through
the sacrifice of abstaining from food, one becomes more mindful of

It was interesting to learn that Jesus didn't say to the disciples
'if' you fast...but 'when' you fast...implying that He expected the
disciples to fast.

"Fasting is designed to make prayer mount up as on Eagles wings... it
may be expected to drive back the oppressing powers of darkness and
loosing their hold on the prayer objective. It is calculated to give
an edge to man's intercessions and power to his petitions. Heaven is
ready to bend its ear to listen when someone prays with
fasting."-Arthur Wallis

"It is of supreme importance that you approach the spiritual exercise
bearing in mind these
principles and questions:
1. Am I confident that this desire to fast is God-given?
2. Are my motives right?
3. What are my spiritual objectives in this fast? Intercession? What
special burdens? Divine intervention, guidance, blessing?
4. Am I determined above all else to minister to the Lord in this fast?"

Finally also note:
"Beware of talking about your fast, either how long you fasted or of
experiences you may have been granted during it, "that your fasting
may be in secret," as Christ commanded."

Thursday, December 20, 2007

Prayer request re: Bob

Please pray for Bob who is depressed after 4 years of non-stop attack
and abuse at work. Please pray for him to come out of his depression
and be able to handle the unrelenting pressures of his job. Please
pray for him to remain employed and earn an income despite these

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Prayer Request Re: Briana

Kristi asked us to pray for her 12 year old, 7th grade daughter Briana
specifically for God to help Briana forgive her friends who have hurt
her, make new friends, and feel His peace and comfort during a tough
transition from elementary school to Middle school.

What is prayer?

Prayer is SO much and there are so MANY ways to pray....but here is a
brief list of what prayer is about...

1. Time with God
"...Prayer is a window into knowing the mind of God, whose kingdom is
entrusted to all of us frail, selfish people on earth."-Philip Yancey
2. Praise to God: Thank Him for all the blessings in your life...
2. Requests to God: ASK Him, SEEK Him
3. Partnership with God
"...Prayer is our chance to join forces with God's power to confront
suffering and evil head-on."-Philip Yancey

How to pray

If you are not prayer warriors...then start small....10 minutes per
day...start a list of prayers and add to it...

How to pray? As I have mentioned, I am a rookie at focused time in
prayer to God, and I often don't know how to start/what to say to I always fall back on a simple neumonic: A.C.T.S.
A: Adore God--tell God all the ways and reasons why you adore Him.
C: Confess to God--God is your secret sharer--tell Him ALL your
struggles, secrets, etc.
T: Thank God--tell God what you are thankful for...
S: Supplication--ASK! "Supplication is a continual praying--an ongoing quest for a given matter to be settled in God's will and it is also a contingent praying--a quest for God's order in God's timing..."-Jack Hayford...

that usually takes up at least 15 minutes...I set my timer and so
often the alarm goes off and I am shocked at how fast the time with
God goes by....(Please don't use a timer if you don't have to or want is just my way to not worry about looking at my watch...It
helps me focus on God for the entire time...)

Prayer Request re: Evan's Family

A prayer request from a friend of mine:
"For your prayer ministry... here's a family that weighs heavy on me
and clearly needs prayer...They lost their 9yr old son 5 months after
being diagnoses with a rare metabolic disorder. He died Nov 2. This is
going to be a tough Christmas for them..." (Please pray for Evan's
family during this first Christmas without him: mom, dad, brother, and
Evan's twin sister.)