Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Fasting: Just Try It.

Where has fasting been all my life? Now I am sure like anything else,
there are good fasts and bad ones. But if you want a time for God to
speak to you then fast. Just do it! Don't be legalistic about it: I
found that Day #1 works best with cranberry juice when I'm hungry or
thirsty, and a few hours before bedtime, a large jamba juice
chocolate smoothie at seven or 8 p.m. tides my hunger pains over.
Then juice in the morning and wow what a quiet, clear energy a fast
produces! Often when I pray, I get sleepy, but when you are on a
liquid fast, your energy level is higher. I found myself able to pray
with a much more focused and peaceful disposition. I thought fasting
for more than a day was going to take me out of commission, but it
actually did the opposite.

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