Monday, May 19, 2008


When an aspiring saint asked Mother Teresa, "How can I be like you?"
her simple response was, "Find your own Calcutta."

Jesus said, "...take up your cross and follow me." (Matthew 16:24)

As an Americanized Christian, I have lived a soft, privledged life.
Not until I was placed in the maelstrom of potentially losing all
worldly possessions have I experienced a minute amount of the pain and
suffering of Calcutta and the Cross. It has caused a deep wound but
it has helped me to see that we are called to take up our crosses...

A settlement has been arranged/paid. The monetary losses are great,
and we continue to ask for prayers of healing emotionally, physically,
and spiritually with all who have been involved in this bizarre legal

Brooke and I cannot thank you enough for being the hands and feet of
Christ to us during this time.

I will periodically continue to share with you some of our struggles
and some of our learnings from the experience in hopes that when you
find yourself in suffering, our experience may help ease your pain and

We love you all!
Brooke and Drew

Bucky (a close friend of mine) asked me to teach with him at church in
April and May. I shared some of my pain, sorrow, and joy of growing
closer to God during this time (sermon #4 of 5). For those of you
interested, you can listen to any of the sermons at
(the series is named: The God Questions...2 of the 5 sermons are
currently at and the others will be coming soon...)

Sunday, February 24, 2008

Judgment Update

An answer to prayer! The judge kept the judgment as it stands (no increase).
Now we ask for focused prayer that the plaintiff and their attorney
will accept the settlement offer.
Please KEEP praying!

We are grateful for all of you!

Drew and Brooke

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Prayer Request

Please pray:
1. judge will not increase judgment amount (will find out tomorrow or friday)
2. please pray at 2pm tomorrow re: we have a meeting with our
insurance carrier's lawyer tomorrow, Thursday, February 21 at 2pm

Brooke and Drew

Saturday, February 16, 2008

Prayer Request

Jim has asked us to pray for Greg who is soon to depart on a missions
trip to Latin America. Here are Greg's prayer requests...Dear Praying

The clock is running down toward the departure date for my next trip
to Latin America, and still no Cuban Religious Visa in hand.

we depart Friday Feb. 22 for Asuncion, Paraguay where we will present
of four-day seminar on Church Planting Strategy and Worldview.

…please pray the Religious Visa would be granted
(especially since I have purchased my tickets!)

…pray, whether before or after Feb. 22, that I would be
able to catch up with it somewhere along the road.

…finally, pray for the remainder of funding for these two trips.

Greg also asks us to pray for his wife, Laura, and daughter, Aubrey
when he is away.


Thursday, February 14, 2008

Prayer Request

As incredible as it may seem, we need MORE and CONTINUED prayer!
The judge has yet again delayed his final ruling to potentially
further increase the judgment until NEXT Friday, February 22. Please
pray that
the judge will not increase the judgment anymore.

Brooke and Drew

Saturday, February 9, 2008

Prayer as an aggressive act?

"Violence and love are not contradictory...[we] must learn of
Calvary's power. Love. And,[we] must also learn Calvary's price.
Violence."-Jack Hayford

Chist's sacifice was a violent act of love.

From the time of John the Baptizer until now, the kingdom of heaven
has been forcefully advancing, and forceful people have been seizing
it. (Mat 11:12 GW)

This continues to be a strange and new concept for me. I have always
seen prayer as a passive, afterthought. But prayer, like Christ's
sacrifice for us, is an aggressive act against the evil and darkness
of this world that wants to steal our hearts.

Prayer Request

As incredible as it may seem, we need MORE prayer! The judge is going
to rule on the final part of the case this Friday, February 15, and he
could rule to even further increase the judgment. Please pray that
the judge will not increase the judgment anymore.

Brooke and Drew