Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Intercessary Prayer

"...informal, spontaneous times of prayer grow out of deep seasons
with God. We can pray as we drive, in the middle of a conversation,
when and was rushed by, and when were quiet and not really thinking
about anything-- until a vivid image of a need to comes to
mind..."-chip Ingram

Have you ever had the out of the blue urge to pray for someone? It
probably happens to me all the time and I just ignore it...but from
what I have been learning...that is probably the wrong approach.

According to the 'prayer experts' that I have read...the out of the
blue seemingly random nudges we get to pray for someone are what are
known as intercessary prayer...God places these 'prayer moments' on
our heart to help those in need.

I had one of those nudges/urges a few weeks ago so I stopped and
prayed for the friend that 'popped' into my mind at the time. Several
days later, I called the friend and he told me of a very difficult
time that he and his wife were having on Friday at 3pm. That was the
exact time that I got the nudge to pray for them! Yes, chills! Does
anyone have any similar experiences? Please post as comment on the
blog or email me with them.

when you feel a nudge or in my case a shove from God to pray....stop
and drop what you are doing and PRAY!

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